
Hurray, America is Number One Again (Essay)


Today is Wednesday and I don’t work till later so have some free time. I did not feel like cooking and had no errands to run. I did bring my Netbook because I did know some free time will be on hand. Today is not a good nor a bad day. Wednesdays in retail and restaurant business are always mixed. Sometimes they are very good and sometimes very bad. There is hardly any in between. My personal theory has been that customers are confused. Certain things happen toward end of the week and others are pushed toward the beginning of the week but the middle is not fixed. Sometimes, much happens by plan or chance and the opposite at other times. Today is a normal Wednesday for me except chances of rain is 80% but no rain in sight for now.

I see everywhere in social media how exciting it is that America is finally number one when it comes to wine consumption. America is always happy to be number one and many times number one can be something meaningless or bad in short or long term. Wine consumption has significance on many scales. One thing to consider is it has been on the extreme decline in countries where wine is a mainstay of the culture and diet. It is great to see it has come down so much that America (a non-wine drinking country by history and tradition) is finally able to achieve number one! What does number one mean in this case?

It means many things and the public hardly know anything of what it can mean except that it must be good if everybody else is doing it and if a lot of it is good. That is typical provincial American thinking that is most commonplace in this country and is widely recognized as one’s right to an opinion. Unfortunately, most Americans do not know that on a bona fide scale of measurement, how few of them would even qualify as “people!” but that is all well as long as one lives in the United States and gets so much support by the media and the popular culture on being right and doing right by being what one is. What is an opinion of who is qualified to have one (so it matters and is LEGITIMATE) may fall within the realm of the field of philosophy but would probably better be explored when studying rhetoric. It is no surprise that the most important topic of “rhetoric” as an academic subject of study (one which was and is the domain of the best of human persons) is only available at TWO American universities. Berkeley and I forgot what on the East Coast still offer Doctors of Philosophy in Rhetoric (whatever that is to an American!) The idea of an opinion is besides this piece but worth mentioning that hardly anyone who lives and walks and talks on the surface of the Earth within the boundaries of this country is able to have a “qualified” opinion on many subjects if any. And that is what America is built on. The make belief that one knows and knows best and should take action based on makes this country what is. In wiser domains, one would seek an “authority” for a “qualified opinion” so one would not take action based on wrong understanding if any. In America, everyone is exempt from such standards and is entitled to making up whatever garbage one wishes and presenting such as an “opinion.”

That is another story but today in a non-wine drinking country, a great accomplishment has been made. The main contenders in the drinking game of how many empty bottles have been abandoning the bottle for alternatives across the generations and it has reached a point that somebody else can reach the heights of this field by counting more empty bottles. Whatever that means? What does it mean? Why does it matter? Those are questions you can ask and seek answers if this is your field.

I remember a few years back, a local magazine had criticized (on behalf of local California wineries) the sommelier at a famous local restaurant for refusing to carry California wines mostly on the grounds that alcohol was too high for dining. I had to send a note of support that day and I could not not agree more. The topic has been exhausted and needless to discuss but the issue remains the alcohol is too high in some local wines. That is a chronic problem which becomes significant on a day such as today. America is now world champion in the highest number of empty bottles and definitely determined to remain there. That means more empty bottles of wine are needed and the public now have a popular culture mandate since America has finally “arrived” that Americans should not be left out. They have to do their share of their drinking wine so they are in. Otherwise, they will be missing out and everyone knows that. This mindset may have been established in high school through peer pressure and advertising but is 100% alive today. Will this have a serious impact on any scale besides emptying warehouses of wine cases? Yes. As any opportunity always is misused and abused, this one will be also. The smarter minds in the business have already figured out how to exploit such an opportunity. Americans have no tradition of drinking wine and need to find one fast. Where does that come from? It comes from America and thus is American. Who makes such traditions? That depends.

But when it comes to drugs (alcohol being one), it is a job for a celebrity to push it. One day when Americans have grown up and become “people” they may be able to agree it is a “qualified opinion” of “experts” that a celebrities primary job is basically to sell the highest profiting commodity to the most vulnerable segments of society (it is also known as selling drugs to children as an example and which music and media star does not do one’s share? Only the backward country music people. Everyone else knows how to live and what is the good life and help the public follow.) America’s wine drinking tradition and how-to will most likely appear (by help of giant distributors and multi-national alcohol companies) through hip celebrities who will teach Americans how to drink, what to drink and so on. Stories of cool people and their cool drinking happenings will be abundant soon and what of it? Lots of empty bottles will be the measure of good life as it is with beer bottles and was chronic smoking at one time for another generation. There is no possibility that this golden opportunity will be missed and America will not become a wine drinking country for good. Americans will learn how to drink from all the wrong people and those “high alcohol” wines that scared many in the business will be the “norm” in no time resulting in populations of good Americans who are dependent on alcohol by drinking the wrong wine the wrong way. There is a big warning sign there for anyone who is in the business for the long run and cares for the health of the non-existent “food and beverage” industry (at least locally in Northern California). Alcohol abuse will turn the country against wine in no time and wine will be the enemy in no time. All the efforts made in education and promotion of qualify wine from various regions of the world will be lost once the society finds new numbers supporting the damage being number one is doing. That will arrive in no time and soon a sommelier will be no different than a drug pusher by offering and promoting wine to the general public. It won’t be long that people scoff at the long and hard training and education to become a professional who pushes wine bottles onto people! By then, everyone will know what “wine” is and what it DOES. Their worthless opinions will answer all questions once again. The field (for the lack of a legitimate industry) of food and wine may face a very serious challenge in only a few years if popular culture is allowed to determine too many things relevant including what is “proper wine consumption” for an American. I know I won’t raise a finger to help since too few care except for those outside of the field who oppose and are waiting to kick the ass of the people in this business being good or bad people. It is up to the top people in the industry to “think” a little and possibly offer “qualified opinions” on what they think proper wine drinking for Americans should be. I think strict rule of two glasses daily (across population and not for industry people) by themselves or drinking wine only with food in more quantities will be a starting rule of thumb. It takes a lot more to save the American public from their “opinions” which they have a right to and the evil of the business world who have had plans for decades how to exploit such an opportunity when and if it arrives. It has. America is number one again and is only good for THEM as usual.

*This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

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On Being There and Doing Enough (Essay 19)


Today is Saturday and I am off work which is a very good thing. I spent the morning doing not much besides eating, drinking, watching movies and when I did do something it was that I went shopping. I cannot say I have had a productive day nor that it has been a waste. I am happy to have the day off and not have much to do. I was reading through my twitter this morning as I do daily and one advantage of using my favorite twitter program “UberTwitter” is since its layout is well-designed and I notice everything 100% and read everything 100%. I find this an important factor because I would never read as such if I used twitter on my laptop or netbook nor did I do this when I only used the Blackberry’s standard twitter application. One single application has features (including design, colors and sizes of things) that make me read through everything. I find this important since I would hardly care what goes on in my twitter if I had not been using UberTwitter. One exciting thing that happened today was I noticed a familiar logo and a short tweet. I am very sure I have not missed many of earlier tweets because I read through almost everything. Guild of Sommelier is a trade association which operates as an organized body of professionals who are or aspire to function as wine stewards and at similar positions and are not shy of facing bona fide standards for education which can be thorough and difficult. In short, people are not attracted to Guild of Sommelier just because they like wine. I somehow was delighted to see a tweet from the Guild of Sommelier and I could have replied to their training question with what I remember of Punt e Mas (spelling?) but instead had to reply by complementing them for being around in the twitter universe. That was this morning and I have been thinking about it on the side since then. Why was I excited to see their tweet? What difference does it make to have them around floating in the middle of all the tweets that go around? What is going on anyway?

Twitter is a social media platform that has become very famous for several reasons. Most people subscribe to popular definitions because culturally they are trained to repeat and follow what the media, the famous people and everyone else tells them what anything is. Public is trained to expect and adopt some flawed definition from sources they are trained to receive them from. Twitter is basically no more than a micro-blog and succeeds and fails where micro-blogs do. I know many people who have tried and found tweeting to be very difficult and not natural to them while others thrive. The biggest misconception about twitter is the conversation platform. Statistics show very clearly only a tiny percent of users participate in conversation while the giant bulk of twitter activity is simply broadcast. A twitter account holder issues tweets and others follow to read. That is the practical function of twitter: Broadcasting. The other ignored fact about twitter is the platform by nature relates the account holder to many more strangers than people one is associated with. Twitter is a place to socialize with strangers compared to Facebook where one socializes with known others and because of this information can be shared with anyone. I am not sure how much socializing goes on except between specific account holders who not only know each other well or relate to each other very well but have enough levels of activity to be around and socialize. What really goes on twitter is broadcasting. Billions and billions of tweets go out without stop and numbers show these tweets are without a doubt one way broadcasts rather than extensive socializing.

What is the consequence of so many broadcast stations going off at the same time? An individual can connect to many many sources of tweets as resources for what goes on in one’s corner of universe. What is known in this space has a great deal to do with the people who send the tweets and the quality of the content. I try not to follow too many people (106 presently) so I can read the tweets consistently. I also have personal and professional rules for whom I follow. Many of the people I follow tweet sporadically while some live on twitter. I have diligently read thousands and thousands of tweets by folks I do not know (except through our twitter connection) simply because the quality of the tweets were good. I have also censored (cut off, unfollow) many because what was tweeted simply made no sense or was not worth following. Some very active twitter persons have too much fun being on twitter and use twitter as a chatroom. Their only problem is getting others to play with them. One last group, I could care less for is anyone who turns off color and goes in that direction. My twitter list is basically a group of people I follow in the wireless field and another group I follow in the wine field. The few others who flow in between have always been there or I have a good personal reason to follow. Another interesting thing about twitter is some tweet a lot and all the time while others tweet never or sporadically. There is no middle range of tweets amongst those I follow. Some have very high number of tweets and others have very few.

Many of the sources that I follow share specific topics very closely and in real time. Those who follow their tweets have some level of interest in what is said and also follow the same topics to some extent. A big problem with a medium such a micro-blog is too much independence. Micro-blog differs slightly from a blog in that anybody can issue posts without any controls. Since too many people are actively making blogs and issuing whatever they please, the success of a blog is measured by numbers. There are so many systems in place to measure and compare whatever can be counted in the blog universe. Twitter has done very well likewise because one can see many numbers as part of the platform and identify oneself with these numbers. One consequence of this erroneous system that is tied to ego is anyone can act and behave (if not declare oneself) as an authority on something by simply making posts and tweeting them if enough people follow. Twitter provides a captive audience of followers and the general public for each person holding an account to issue posts at. A person can develop an identity of some type here and live here in one’s own twitter universe (or dimension). I have no opinion of what right or wrong may relate to the identity created within twitter universe but can tell you since the first day I started using twitter I have suffered the fact that a twitter account holder can name an account whatever and claim to be whatever followed by issuing whatever tweets one wishes of any dubious content and others have to take the time to find out the real value of such broadcaster. Authentic authorities (those whom relate to your topics of interest) are difficult to find on twitter because unless one knows the person to be an authority through other sources, the twitter system provides nothing but flawed and if not deceptive information on identity and qualifications. The other problem that is probably more harmful is since twitter has been around long enough, almost everyone who is doing something (including the qualified of any field) have a twitter account but this does not mean any activity or enough activity is registered on that broadcast. This has been my biggest problem. I have found twitter to be a good medium for very limited applications but it does serve several purposes within those limitations. If only I can find the “right” people to follow and if only they posted “enough” tweets to be a person of value in terms of contributing to others’ knowledge, I will be able to get plenty of real-time information and valuable insights by simply glancing and scrolling through my tweets when I have a few minutes to spare or have nothing else to do. I have found that finding the “right” people is very difficult but I have found MANY. My next problem has been that only a small percentage of the “right” people issue enough tweets to be sharing with the field and those interested in the topics. They do their contributions elsewhere while having an identity by a twitter profile. That is why I was so excited when I noticed a tweet from Guild of Sommeliers.

I read through so many tweets simply because a good percentage of my time is fragmented by activities and is available only in chunks of a few minutes here and there. This time is very efficiently and effectively utilized by having access to good resources on twitter. A very large number of the very short tweets can be read in only a few minutes and if they have any content of value, those few minutes are extremely well-spent professionally. Ideally, a person interested in a topic should follow a good number of resources (people, organizations, etc.) who post tweets of value and this person should be on top of many many things by the few minutes of reading one does here and there. It is possible for one of so many to also provide some tweets of value in return when possible. This carefully created universe of specific users creates an opportunity for people who work in fields such as technology and wine to be able to keep up with the multitudes of little things that occur and shape the industry without any hindrance. Guild of Sommeliers made my day by posting one simple question to get the ball rolling on a field question but also turned from being one of those few sources that have authority, credibility and value to one that shares enough to benefit others whom are at the mercy of any John or Jane Doe who claims to be an authority of the field and happens to tweet enough to keep others interested.

Personally, I have never liked twitter and have suggested more than once that one of the bigger technology companies should make a micro-blog platform similar to twitter but be limited to professionals sharing thus saving us from twitter and its many rivers of none-sense tweets. That has not happened yet but what has happened is since many of those who are more qualified in various fields are finally present on twitter, the next step can be accomplished by expecting them to share enough (even if in short tweets occasionally) so the rest of the field can keep up with their progresses. Since the first step is practically complete, the second step can be accomplished and what Guild of Sommelier did today was just that. They are sharing. They and others of qualification will change the field (even if in a hypothetical micro-blog universe or dimension) by simply being around and sharing. This is a great lesson for others to keep the field going in all arenas. Each arena has its own dynamics. Micro-blogs have many limitations as do other mediums but within those limits, it is possible to contribute decisively. Since almost everyone is on twitter, sharing is the stage we are at and hopefully others will learn from Guild of Sommeliers. I am curious how many of them would automatically contribute actively if a good software match (as UberTwitter in my case) could be made for what device they use? I would say all.

(P.S. This piece was written within the guidelines for my writing for my blogs which involves certain third parties input. I have cleaned up this piece slightly and created paragraphs for ease of reading. This is more in consideration of the people mentioned who would expect a piece involving them at least be easily readable. In general, I am expected to write a first draft without correction (which can turn into an extremely long piece with no breaks and very difficult to read at times) in support of the thesis that raw thought (given that it is valid and of value) is of significant value by itself even if not touched up (changed) for presentation and especially if not changed at all from its raw format. This piece deviates from these guidelines by being slightly cleaned up. I promise it won’t happen again.)

*This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

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The Best Food Writer inĀ America. (Essay 18)


food critic

(Photo from Google Images)(I just did a search under name and this is the top photo on Google! for the search)

Today is Thursday. I just spoke to the ticket lady at the Transit Store and found out I had my days mixed up. Today is not Friday. I am too excited for Friday so the week ends. I have to buy a big load of dress shirts this Saturday. Our dress code has changed and have option of jeans but I think casual business is still the norm for business to exist in the long run. Jeans and polo shirts are great one day a week or for events but customers subconsciously gauge the person and dress shirt with whatever pants as adhering to business norms. I may be wrong but don’t think so. I managed to lose plenty of weight last year and need smaller shirts now. I have several new apps on my Blackberry that really help with many things. Vayyoo is a very cool app for doing social media except has its advertising signature that is so big one cannot post to 160 word sites!!! I emailed my complaint. The app is good itself for now. must be on every smartphone. It comes handy for driving but also notifies of all text messages and emails upon arrival if one wears a Bluetooth. I like that. It keeps me from checking my phone for messages, etc all the time. I have a separate phone for my social media stuff that arrive as text messages but important stuff go to my Blackberry. I keep the emails and at end of the day I can switch the number of words read by from 25 to 500 and make it read them to me. Most of the emails I am interested in are about wine releases and such. One can fall sleep reading them as would when reading an insurance policy. I find the software much more productive than myself reading through okay and junk emails. I ordered a stamp with basic contact information which should arrive someday soon. That goes on the back of my business card. Since my head is so big on the card, there is hardly room. I made the card so I can change location information since I find it unwise to stay at most retail locations for too long. My card has worked out well so far except I can give out more much easier now. I expect to get more business through referrals than the casual retail routes. I hate to admit the number of things wrong with our retail setup. In short, it is made for retail and not sales in general but can be made to work. I have to also admit I get plenty of business advice (that costs a great deal and not available to average retail employee) from outside and chances of success for my activities are higher than the average retail employee. The experience and knowledge I gain will be invaluable for developing my own businesses. I should be starting in that direction soon also since everyone is calm again and not worried. That tells you how wrong people are about economy and life. I read a few days ago that a local food writer of notorious rep has been named the top writer in America!!! I thought as bad as he is, this country is either has lowered itself to the lowest to think our non-name friend (yeah right) is its best or that he is on his way out and this is a ceremonial title. That is usually done (lifetime achievement blah blah) when someone is retiring or ill and has little time to live. I did not make that standard. America likes to celebrate as many things as it can while possible. I also asked around and got a very good insight from someone with access to more information. All I can say is one can get such awards by paying the right sum of money!!! Our friend is the worst writer in America when it comes to food but he is also the frontman for a powerful local special interest and they want to keep him up so he has influence in choosing his replacement and the special interest will continue its grasp on the local scene. I can say more but won’t be the information I got and my own musings. Anyway this famous person claimed a few weeks ago we have boomtime in local restaurant business!!! Now I read somebody admits 290 restaurants closed in one year locally and so on. The bottom line is most people have no clue what goes on in the real world but can be good temporarily since business climate stays stable if one is to enter business. I am not worried about staying in business. That is when experience pays off but the initial stage of a business is very costly and that is where I am. I have also started my wine journey again and I need to land myself someplace where I can taste what goes through the market. That is really my level and not studying with students desiring paper awards. I will be ready and forced to take the exams in time but think the right path is not through exam study groups (unless one is very close to the exam time) but through the field itself given one knows enough to go through and actually be able to retain knowledge. There has to be a way to do this without going from tasting to tasting and likewise. When I originally studied wine, I was told after my courses if I were to attend closely to the local wine regions and wineries I would rise to be a specialist. I eschewed that suggestion since local wines have reputation but not the universal status locals deem. We were not even taught more than the very basics of California wines. I am thinking that may be a good crash course only for the reason that local winemakers (California) are the only people I can think of who will actually support learning about wine and winemaking for the sake of wine. They have to deal with wine beyond a bottle and a label which is how deep the understanding of wine in most local circles is. I may try that. I forgot the tasting yesterday. I have to try something that works always.

*This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

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What does a Court of Master Sommelier credential really mean? (Essay 17)


Today is Sunday. I did my laundry and the weather has turned warm. I did have enough time left to take care of a few things. I did have a talk with the person running the group for the Advanced exam and won’t be going there any more. One has to have the aspiration to be a master sommelier to study wine. That is one way of looking at the whole thing. I do agree it is very easy to train people who are learning from scratch and very hard to train someone like me who has had a great deal of training but think studying to become a master sommelier is a poor approach for several reasons. Most importantly, difficult studies require the person to dig deep into the topic and specific boundaries of knowledge are not realistic. One can study wine for the sake of studying wine but have some direction in mind versus following step after step to pass an exam. I used to follow the latter system and did very well in college until I took a Human Relations course at College of San Mateo. I was taught a new way of studying in college. In place of playing the grade game, one can seek to acquire knowledge while keeping the academics in mind also. That is how my grade averages went from top honors in junior college to flat B in university. The desire to acquire knowledge makes one abandon many of the necessary steps that lead to the highest scores. This approach does not eliminate the need to follow the steps to the academic goals but keeps the original goal in forefront of activities. I think that is what studying for an Advanced exam is about. Personally, I think anyone who opts to become a master sommelier or master of wine is likely to rank on the lowest when it comes to a desire for knowledge. Both credentials were designed to acknowledge a level of achievement and not be a way of becoming a type of person. The advanced sommelier or wine diploma are both what one needs to be on one of the highest levels of the field. The goal ought to be to become an advanced sommelier which requires the highest knowledge and provides the opportunity to gain from the field and develop knowledge. The exact same thing can be true of wine diploma. Is the master credential a practical goal to shoot for rather than the equivalents without the attention? I like to use an example from someone else about how many enter academics with the goal of becoming a PhD or Doctor of Medicine. Many do achieve these goals and we know from real life knowledge is one of the least determining factors in reaching such goals once aimed from the start. Politics, academic games, and many other unrelated factors are what determines the final success and not knowledge. We also know from experience the majority of those who are medical doctors are better avoided and the majority of those who attain a PhD are good for a stable teaching job and little other contribution. The question remains again is there a difference between the person who has from the start sought to become a master of wine or master sommelier and one who seeks to acquire knowledge within academic guidance? I think the answer is the former plays any game to reach that final goal while the latter will continue to acquire and develop knowledge before and after the formal announcements. I think it is inherent in the structure of all these advanced programs and credentials that the highest levels were reserved only if those at the top of the field deemed a person is one of their standing and not by way of some examination. I think the implied thing is one type of person will produce while another will do whatever to achieve a formal standing. My own question is should I be seeking to become a master of wine or master sommelier before participating in studies in such directions make sense for me and others? My answer is no. The idea of a university (not American which is German model) is the meeting of the minds allows one to develop ideas and knowledge. Any advanced study follows the same format and a qualified participant can develop a mind from such interactions and studies while tailoring everything to succeed at some examination is a political objective and not the true goal of a serious study. It is worth mentioning there is no knowledge without the qualified individuals dedicating the time to development of such knowledge and very little may be developed by those who sacrifice knowledge for the sake of some formal gain. I think my point becomes only those who are qualified to participate in the field and hopefully contribute something should be allowed to enter such studies and not those who seek some official credential. Such participants will deal with the realities of the field of wine and the structure of the community will lead them toward formal examinations also. Those who seek to enter a community with the ultimate goal of earning a highest examination credential have motives beyond the realities of the field in mind. That makes me think a better way to study wine for the sake of knowledge and the realities of the field is by studying it at an advanced level through structures not aiming for fashionable or profitable credentials. I can probably learn French, German and other wines much better through bodies which specialize in such studies (for the sake of the knowledge and skill) rather than some final credential. The knowledge acquired will probably put me on par with the best of the candidates for such exams but again how many of those who achieve the exams will actually contribute to the field versus carrying some badge of honor? I also believe another thing that studying for an exam and acquiring knowledge do not go together. One ought to study the topic and master (???) the knowledge before one seeks to develop for an exam. I think the former step is ignored by the way of accepting the presence of the multitudes of those aspiring for the highest credential at any cost! If the credential is to retain any value in the long run, it ought to denote substantial inherent value. How can those who are not seriously dedicated to the subject and its study foremost maintain or increase the value of such credential if all that matters is the passing of an exam? I think it is best to separate the two completely. The study of wine should be a completely separate topic and many who seek such study and succeed will be able to return to the field and contribute. Some of these will choose to prepare for some examination. This examination has served as both the ends and the means causing much confusion. Those who seek a paper with status will hardly be willing to undergo the heavy burden of such study with no political victory at the end in the form of a piece of paper with some worldly value. Frankly, that is what makes or breaks the fields. The quality and quantity of qualified individuals depend on too many factors and ought to be carefully controlled or the field will decline with no end in sight.

This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

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Why Every San Francisco Restaurant May Go Out of Business Soon? (Essay 16)(Advice)


I found nothing interesting in the food news to read or write about today. The most significant event of last week still is on my mind and I expect more to happen. Last time this was going on, the trend went on for several weeks until the cries of agony were heard in all circles beyond food and restaurant and things slowed down. Many believed that the complaints had little to do with the slowing down but the editors were afraid too much harm was done in too short a period of time and could be questioned on television or other media and their defense would be weak for such unprecedented chain of actions. The theory of why it had taken place was far easier to believe to their loss and I agree with those who think the editors had to put an end to the process in anticipation of significant public reaction and looking back I would say their timing to stop worked. What was not clear was whether the trend had died or was simply postponed.

The restaurant owners of the city of San Francisco lay claims to many notable things within their own industry but one has been out of their reach and that is the ability to effectively confront and challenge any out-of-control media person who may go on a rampage. One may say any writer can reach such a point and do much damage but the truth is the damage done is relevant to the credibility of the person. A restaurant writer can be effective in demoting or promoting an establishment or idea only as far as one is able to give weight to one’s words. Independent folk (such as myself) will find it hard to achieve such status because they are only heard as long as the audience finds them worthy of being listened to and if one cannot earn the audience’s ears, one cannot do any good or any harm. I personally have had good luck in this area and have been heard consistently. I would like to think my audience finds me worthy of being heard because some good is done as I have never intended to harm even though writing (shit) about certain people in high offices has been a regular activity in my realm. The non-independent folk, such as media writers, play a different game. They benefit from their positions. A newspaper or television personality can choose to go on a rampage and do great damage unless stopped at some point by the editors of the establishment. This person, unlike the independent media writer, can not be automatically shut off because their positions owns a large enough audience who have to listen regardless of the content.

An established media writer will write and if doing harm, will do harm and will be heard because of one’s ‘position power’ as I was taught in Organization Behavior management courses. An independent writer exists as part of an informal network and has authority because the audience gives this person authority by choosing to listen to such person. This is one of the basic definitions of authority. One can be found in a position of authority because others CHOOSE to listen to the person and follow the directions. The entire process may be informal and non-standard but works perfectly everyday in the real world. This person has little power to do harm unless gains too much credibility (is that why SOME are apprehensive at any place I visit?). On the other hand, a dependent writer exists as part of a formal network (i.e. job at a business, organization) and has authority because the job owns a certain audience and what the person in that job capacity does will be without regards to the effects on such audience. Even if this person loses all other credibility, the position power still entitles one to enough power to do the job which can mean do harm. This person can have too much power to do harm (unless literally stopped by a third party such as the editors of a newspaper) and no wonder one has to be anonymous. One may say the veil serves many good reasons, as I myself have defended in the past, but also serves to be an advantage if one seeks to harm with no end in sight SOMEDAY.

I peruse many sources of information in addition to other non-conventional means of acquiring information. San Francisco Chronicle has been one of my least worthy sources for as long as I can remember. My entire daily routine is limited to clicking the link under my bookmarks or typing the address and clicking to go there. God knows how many times I have done this and how much time has been wasted in my readings of those pages. My routine has shrunk to simply glancing at Michael Bauer’s blog daily. I read the title and think. I read the first sentence and maybe the first paragraph. Sometimes I skim through and look for what I may be interested to read a sentence or two but usually I skim the whole blog post in 1.5 to 2 seconds before I arrive at the last paragraph to read the first sentence again. The only other thing, besides the photographs I glance at, is the comments. If the post had some sense in it and was not totally mad or unreadable (2 seconds is all it takes to find out), I actually read through some of the comments and sometimes write something. I have been a favored person in this area since of all my intelligent or crackpot comments, I was only once blocked! I have always enjoyed the number of people who thumb down my comments since I know the wonderful Chronicle staff are always present in that crowd and suffered much confusion when people root for my comments! That has been my entire experience of reading Between the Sheets blog on San Francisco Chronicle AFTER I was wise enough to find out Michael Bauer is a bigger joker than I am and one should not take what is written there seriously. A very intelligent fellow told me once that much of America is fake and nobody would ever believe because it has got so big. His example was the Constitution of the United States was written as a JOKE originally but was taken as seriously as possible afterwards. Who will believe such tale? Nobody unless you know the person and qualifications. Who would believe Michael Bauer may be a crackpot lunatic writing what may be one day compiled as the samples of worst food writing ever? Nobody. The biggest disadvantage in this area is one has to read through much and be familiar with much and nobody is unless had to come across and follow the line of thoughts as I did by nature for writing a Discovery Blog which exists to such ends. This is another story but the bottom line in my experience has been a stop at MB blog can be a short experience and knock you off your track of serious thought. This I have followed with a click on the ‘Food’ tab to see the main page of SF Chronicle and glance at their articles. I hate to admit I still find some of the articles unreadable as in having been written without a real audience so they can make sense. I strongly believe a computer can be programmed to write better articles daily at less cost and make greater sense. Artificial intelligence is no novelty. Military is not the only beneficiary and in areas where time is an issue, programs take over all tasks. The computers not only run the entire financies of United States but also write the needed programs, repair them and so on. Each day brings trillions of transactions and events and no human can intervene effectively and efficiently but machines can keep up. I think time has come to allow machines to write food and wine articles and nobody would complain because they know who wrote them and the better staff will have their own niche to write. San Francisco Chronicle has great writers in this department and my only complaint is their contributions are incidents rather than regularities (except for cheese). These folk will never go away and even if they did, they will be brought back under some other guise. The rest of our fine local paper is a horror story, at least, in food and wine section.

It was only a few days ago when I was quickly navigating this ‘Food’ tab and only by accident happened to see a negative mention of Kokkari. The only reason I happened to see it is because that is where I look for the Scoop which has about 1 minute of interesting information once-a-week. I clicked the Kokkari article and did my skimming but returned in shock to the start 2 seconds later. The article sounded like somebody was trying to kill Kokkari. I looked at date and that was fresh of that day. I looked at the name and oh it was him. I began reading and jumping and stopped at the bottom. Kokkari now had two stars. Kokkari now had two stars. I am not saying Kokkari is anything on any scale since I never defend nor attack what is not specifically in my hands. I ate at Kokkari once but knew much about them indirectly because of a business connection. I knew enough to compare Kokkari to many restaurants and always thought their 3 star ratings had some good will incorporated in the scoring but was not undeserved. Kokkari now had two stars.

I have tried to make sense of the star system on many instances and have written essays about it and one way I have simplified it for my own sake has been that a credible writer’s system, such as Michael Bauer’s for a long time in the past, is valued if one can somehow calibrate his scores against one’s own interests and expectations. I thought of Bauer scores as a 2 meaning if one visits this location, something really bad ought to happen during the dining event. A 2 in my book, after reading so many reviews and analyzing why one got 2 and one 2.5 and one 3 and so on, was a strong indication that the establishment did not have their shit together and will inevitably disappoint greatly in one area of food, service and so on. Some establishments are consistent in what they always fail and what they always deliver and they often receive a 2.5 though not the best definition for 2.5 score. A score of 3 in my understanding means the establishment has their shit together and not only do a good job in all areas but are consistent. One can visit them on any day, any time and under any circumstances and nothing terrible will ever happen though they may be weak in one or more area depending on what is going that day. A score of 3 does not mean the location is GREAT in contrary to what the general public may assume. Kokkari is not a great restaurant unless one is having a casual conversation. Kokkari is a good restaurant. It stands for many things not needed to mention here and most of all can be summarized as a place that delivers. A great many of the great many who dine at large restaurants such as Kokkari do not expect the greatest dining experience. They expect the cuisine done right, the service done right, the dining experience to be fine and the bill not to be painful. Kokkari delivered this many hundreds of thousands of times in the City of San Francisco and added something GREAT to the experience of dining in San Francisco. Do all the contributions they have made count as much when weighed on a scale against any unpleasant experiences of dining there? Does Kokkari disappoints so many times daily, weekly, monthly for the Michael Bauer experience of dining there recently to be a true representative of dining at Kokkari? That question can be answered in many ways and I leave the answer to you. I will ask however, does Kokkari happen to fit a pattern of Michael Bauer rampage of giving scores of 1 to 2 to established restaurants within a short distance of Embarcadero Waterfront since his now forgotten unveiling? I think it does. I think one can draw a line of connecting the locations and eventually have a loop or belt of carnage that makes little sense. How do these places link together? I heard rumors of money paid to get Michael Bauer and his photo surfacing somewhere in the media and who can prove and not prove it but cash-for-service has always been the old San Francisco way of doing things and may be true. Why would Bauer pick on these specific restaurants? I don’t know. Are they tourist traps and need to go for the best of San Francisco dining? I don’t know but if so why Kokkari and why not the other places right on the water which brag about trapping anyone? I know Bauer is afraid of anyone who is connected and if politicians go there, or old money is around or owns the place, Bauer loses his apetite. That I know. Bauer targets any and all innocent folks from his track but if they can bite back, he is nowhere to be found. Gavin only has a few places left around and that was with help from the fine dependent writers who helped bring the scores for some of his places up little by little. Some say all places that get zero scores (for all practical purposes) are also of non-alliance with our fine mayor but not necessarily against him. Is this some clean up to make room for more politically-correct restaurants? Mayor loves Medjewel and the Kokkari incident will boost a possibly friend in Sens. Bauer is afraid of gangsters and nobody blames him for not going back for years to restaurants reputed for mafia connections (in San Francisco? who has heard of that? but is true), strong political connections and newly-arrived but definitely overseas gang expansions. Does that imply some connection between the Mayor, the Bauer and the problems of San Francisco? I don’t know but think it is only a conspiracy theory except for the restaurants being fronts for illegal setups which is a part of SF history. Gangsters are real and do bite back. Innocent restaurants are real and don’t bite back. What does all this come to? I haven’t found a clear definition of the problem or the situation to think of a clear solution or explanation but do agree Bauer has done some unfair harm and will not stop. A miracle may take place and Bauer give REAL scores to some, which would confuse the situation more, and then we have to assume he is only wrong about some of his crazy scores. What is for sure is Bauer will strike again and has not much standing in his way. I waited days for to actually mention the Kokkari situation. SF Chronicle has basically bought Eater by taking the man away and Eater will be a nice docile and politically correct restaurant website from now on or looks such for the short term. There does not seem to be much resistance from that direction and the city gave up, after the fall of Gavin last year, leaving us with San Francisco Chronicle which can do no wrong unless too many people scream at the same time. What is left, for what it is worth, are the independent media who may dare to speak, in the absence of others but not necessarily always will, and be of some value when Bauers of our world go mad. Their high and polished positions enables them to be strong adversaries even when they make little sense in their actions. My suggestion is to keep the independent media alive though independence often goes against the nature of many fake restaurants of San Francisco and what they really do. The industry as a whole can benefit from the potentials of indpendent media in the long run and it is no fault of mine that wine blogs are hardly more than daily issues of garbage in many words and details. The possibility that something of value can surface exists within this realm of media that is not controlled and continues to contribute. On a personal note, I should have been more active in the industry and my own inactivity was in part due to making incessant changes to my crazy blogs but when the time arrived, I realized the restaurant industry are SHEEP in the true sense of the word. They exist as a set of routines followed daily that together make up a business and remain open to any and all such external (and internal?) negative forces and incidents. I believe independent restaurant media, such as mine, by nature provides some level of resistance to the uncertainties of the business field and I believe the restaurant establishment is so rudimentary in thinking, they have no clue how the world has changed and what they are up against thus not understanding why it is important to be receptive and supportive of independent media. The pay-for-help-us media can be bought by Chronicle, for as little as the cost of one salary, and the industry will not have that to use. What is left is true and honest that works and CAN but won’t necessarily do what the industry demands. This last group can save a day or more someday when trouble comes and it will. The industry lives in the past thinking money paid will save them and they know what they are doing for they have done it for so many years. Times have changed. They put Gavin and Getty out of business (and they can pretend to come back as many times as they want). They will put as many out of business as it takes to get everyone to agree their Special Interest groups run San Francisco. If life does not go their political (correct) way, they will have Bauers and others like him doing their bidding do all harm possible. San Francisco belongs to the ever-growing Special Interest of its own and the restaurant industry lives in the years past. They cannot pay and get out of this one. Political people are somewhat crazy and don’t understand business. The world has to say and go their way and that is that. Once enough INNOCENT restaurants are killed off by Bauers and the like, the industry will wise up and agree the old days are gone and this whole thing is new. How about being a step ahead and supporting independent media. Independent folk can bite as hard as Bauer does and question everything. That is the always-proven productive effort against organized crap such as Special Interest. The lesson for you today is to use your brain and be receptive to the true independent media. Why do I have a feeling everyone will do what they have done in the past and I will be writing in near future of what wrong was done to many other innocent businesses or people. I have never told anyone in my life that ‘ I told you so’ but have told many so.

*This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

A Solution to Food, Wine and Hospitality Problems Has Been Found (If Was Ever Lost) (Essay #15)


The year 2010 has arrived and everything start anew or not. The restaurant and wine industries of California have been having a not-great couple of years. Many people and causes have been blamed and the next few years may not look any better. I was just in the process of reviewing my stuff from last year and I came across something I had marked. I cannot speak for most of California, from experience, but as far as the city of San Francisco, I strongly think the industry should put out some kind of handbook for the people who work in the related industries of food, beverage, wine, restaurant, hospitality and so on. A person who is more than a simple employee in any of these industries has to work toward being a professional and this requires more than professional training and work experience. A good deal of knowledge that is not specifically related to food or beverage has to be acquired and utilized by any such professional (not basic employee). The process of accessing the available resources and staying up-to-date can take a great deal of time. I know from personal experience by doing this. The outcome of such difficult process is the low number of people who do strive to be professionals in the true sense of the word.

The industry needs to put a handbook out, at least, once each year that is not a food and wine training book. The problem with this process is the political side-effects of it. Many establishments operate and remain by breaking the law and working under or against the standards. If the number of people who are well-versed in all aspects of the industry increases, the number of establishments which appear legitimate but are shady in many ways will decline in proportion. The bottom line is the SF restaurant entities will fight to stop or modify such handbook for the obvious political reasons. The city establishment is extremely corrupt so no help will arrive to keep the process legitimate. I personally think a large body, even if political, can do a better job of this than a local political body. National Restaurant Association is a political lobby and special interest but has the resources to do a fairer job than the Golden Gate Restaurant Association. A review of the people who run GGRA will tell anyone who impartial they are and what direction their decisions will go. I do not think the restaurants, the establishments, and associations located in San Francisco can do the job. A bona fide handbook will raise the standards of the industry up a huge notch but will result in fundamental changes in how business is done in the long run. The local industry is ill and has always been. We have been seeing its worst in the past two years and if it becomes truly healthy (which has never been), many who have done EASY business in the city will be in a new world of business. They will not help make industry healthy.

I think a university, located outside of San Francisco, and its politics in conjunction with the local unions and non-political associations (such as CMS or WSET for wine) can do a fair and impartial job. Universities do this on a regular basis for many fields and can do for our industry. A good handbook will be very thick and probably will be 500 pages plus. I think it is best published in a binder with loose pages once-a-year and new updates should be made available online for readers to print and replace pages in the binder and be up-to-date until the next edition. Many things related to the industry change regularly by on an irregular schedule. The handbook will be obsolete in a short time unless updated as changes occur. A good handbook should provide answers to all the questions a ‘professional’ working in food, wine, beverage, hospitality, and restaurant (and many more businesses) may have while working in Northern California Bay Area. Any person who does one’s homework and has been in the business long enough will acquire a good part of this knowledge together with much garbage provided by local media such as San Francisco Chronicle and local restaurant websites.

An impartial and qualified body can put together a complete handbook (which will be large in size) not only as a reference but also as a way to organize the industry. One of the reasons the industry has been and gets sick is because it had just been put together and was not thoroughly thought out at some point. A business should have a solid business plan. The business plan serves several purposes. One purpose is to fund the business and start it by providing a roadmap. That is what people think of a business plan but a more important function is to serve as an owner’s manual. The person who runs a business ought to be able to consult the business plan at times to figure out the best course of action because the plan is supposed to consider many things and provided proper ways to deal with them. The industry needs a business plan that can be consulted by the professionals in the industry. This business plan best can appear as a professional handbook and has to be thorough to cover everything. Such book is not a training volume about food types, cooking, wines and service, etc. It ought to cover all the boring government and industry regulations related to industry and keep them up-to-date. It ought to provide all reference people, addresses, phone numbers and etc. It should have a huge glossary that answers hundreds (if not thousands) of questions that people working in the industry should answers to and do not. It should cover history of the industry locally accurately. It should map out the industry accurately so business can be done. The task of putting such volume together is done for professional bodies and are used by professionals working in the industry. The volume serves many purposes and must be put together by qualified people and special interest must be kept away. NRA, GGRA, wine lobby and so on are not friends of the industry contrary to what people may think. If they cannot write the handbook, they will try to influence it by offering money to the university (in grants or research money) to influence it indirectly. The final handbook will still be much better off than if written by the university, even if influenced by the corruption, than by the special interest itself.

A handbook such as this serves to provide useful and accurate information in good and bad times for the professionals and everyone working in the industry. Publishing a handbook takes a long time and the information will be obsolete. That is why the actual handbook should be a work in progress and kept online. It will be difficult for many to read it online. The solution is to have a printed copy for sale but print it for a 3-hole binder because the information will be going out of date within one week and pages have to be replaced. The owner of the handbook can get the pages online and print to replace them thus having an accurate handbook always. The volume can be available as ebook for computers or kindle. An electronic volume can be updated a thousand times each year and would not matter in any way. The information will be always up to date and useful. The nature of handbook which covers such huge industry results in a huge handbook and that is what it really takes for one to function as a PROFESSIONAL in the local industry. I think the task of creating and keeping up to date can be done simply by going to the RIGHT people at the right university OUTSIDE of San Francisco. No impartial work can be created in a corrupt city run by criminals pretending to be city officials and employees. It has to be done outside the political realm of San Francisco and protected from special interest interference and money meddling as much as possible. What is most important is not what goes into the volume or who writes the volume (just go to the right university and it is done) but WHAT DOES NOT GO INTO THE VOLUME AND WHO DOES NOT HAVE A SAY IN WRITING IT.

An industry handbook of all necessary information for professionals working in the food, wine, hospitality, beverage, restaurant and hotel industries will serve as a daily guidebook in handling what matters may require decision-making by these individuals. The end result is a healthy industry for everyone involved with the industry. That is millions of people.

*This post belongs to this week’s edition of Wine by Cush Magazine blog and published early in World of Cush also.

Are We Afraid of Success? (Essay #14)

I read a good little piece about fear of success. It is interesting how a change in economy changes the overall attitude toward many things. Success is not as popular a subject any more because the general environment has changed to be biased against it. Actions are more likely to result in the opposite in today’s economy than in a good economy. That makes many people defensive and cautious. I think cautious has always been a good rule. I was raised on the cautious side and so is anyone who has had something of value that may be lost. Cautious is the attitude to maintain while success is the attitude to acquire something. Today’s environment does not promise success and caution may be a better attitude toward business and life. Are people afraid of success in general? I assume so. The human mind develops patterns based on experience and changing these patterns can be difficult later in life. That is a big difference between the young and the old. Humans learn to stay within the realm of certainty as they have learned by life experiences and the quality of life is dictated by the extent and the quality of experiences within this realm. Any attempt to go beyond the boundaries and try new things is likely to result in a bad experience. Humans learn to avoid this by staying within the boundary. That has proven to work well and gives the person control over life and its quality. Some of us are socialized by family, friends, schools and society to learn everything needed to live within a closed realm of our experiences. The sum of our experiences can make for a life that is very successful or otherwise. Higher education and income usually reflect in the next generation as automatic achievement of a good quality of life by providing the experience base the second generation needs.


Do San Francisco Restaurants Fail Because They Have Too Much In Common? (Essay #13)

I read an interesting post about why restaurants fail today. The author recommends making as many unique features in your restaurant as possible and taking out whatever is similar with other establishments. That is an interesting point of view. It will be hard to think as such in San Francisco because restaurants fall into many categories. San Francisco was never big on chain anything and what chain restaurant (real restaurant no fast food, etc.) have corporate designs which are unique and frankly most people in the business don’t care if they disappear. The independent restaurants are expensive to setup and are unique by design. The basic layouts are very similar. The floor shape determines where the bar goes, where the kitchen is and the dining room(s) shape or location. San Francisco real estate does not follow normal standards so many establishments are automatically unique in many ways. What makes them similar is how they repeat success by copying successful features and concepts from other restaurants. That is very San Francisco and frankly works well.


How Did a Huge TYPO Get into the Michelin 2010 San Francisco Restaurant Guide? (Essay#12)


I finally got to look at Michelin 2010 San Francisco restaurant guide and once again it is printed on the nicest paper I have touched in a long time. The packaging, the printing and the feel of the pages are exotic. The guide appears high end and very classy as always. Everything inside looks fabulous except for the information. The information is fine unless you are a local in San Francisco Bay Area. I like Michelin guide a lot because it has been in business forever and has helped the industry by promoting tens of thousands of restaurants. I really did not want to write anything critical that would have Michelin’s name and this essay is not about Michelin. Afterall, I am the one who writes 15000-word essays on how the rich and the corporations control and manipulate standards, such as restaurant review tools, in America to their benefit. How can I miss a huge TYPO in the Michelin 2010 guide? How does a restaurant, of dubious characteristics, and funded by a very large real estate company, in an unleaseable commercial space, appear in the Michelin 2010 guide while scores of better San Francisco restaurants are absent?

The legend page for Michelin 2010 guide claimed that all Michelin guides are “well researched” or something similar. Was it not Michelin who by mistake had reviewed a closed restaurant not too long ago? Mistakes do happen and I guess that is why Michelin now researches the restaurants well. Every restaurant has a story and if it is “well researched,” much of that information will surface before the review. I hope the Michelin researchers, for San Francisco, were not all French and the French-speaking Tunisian ownership, of this restaurant, did not have any influence on their judgments. But how can that be? The great Michelin guide making a mistake or something similar by promoting a not worthy restaurant? What did the research leave out about Sens Restaurant in San Francisco that brings the effectiveness of the review guides into question?

Once upon a time, in a city far far away named New York, there was a chef who was hired to come to San Francisco and re-open a ailing restaurant under a different name. The uprooted chef moved to San Francisco, and created a new restaurant – Sens Restaurant. One major problem that had led to the recruiting of this chef was the old restaurant could not get good reviews from local reviewers. Sens was the same as the previous restaurant only with a new menu and name. This chef had a history in the Bay Area and was known by local reviewers. The hard work and dedication to make Sens paid off. These efforts and the chef’s personal credibility brought good reviews and scores from local restaurant writers. The celebrations did not last long since the chef and the staff were replaced by a lower-cost team shortly after the reviews. That was the beginning of Sens. The great restaurant start, by the chef, turned into an ailing existence again, under the same ownership as the last restaurant. How did they survive after this? Sens is the brainchild of a huge real estate corporation with many unleaseable retail spaces in San Francisco. If no restaurant would start at that commercial space, why not start a restaurant of your own? Sens would survive regardless of any events because it was created to “appear” as a great restaurant and to lower retail vacancies. It survives because it has to remain open and appear functional to maintain commercial attractiveness. Sens is not an “inspired” restaurant. It is a front to keep overall lease prices up for other spaces. How does it maintain the facade? PR-managed restaurant reviews are not unusual and are the way to go for many restaurants. PR can get good reviews into many local review guides.

Zagat is a fraternal brother or sister of Michelin and shares some of the same problems Michelin has with its business model. We don’t know how strong Michelin is but Zagat can be infiltrated and unlikely restaurants get surprise scores! Sens did well in Zagat and so does almost every restaurant listed in Zagat. And almost every restaurant does get listed in Zagat anyway! That means most restaurants are listed in Zagat and always get good reviews! What kind of a review guide is that? Michelin is a travel book restaurant guide written by professional reviewers and Zagat is written by local shoppers. Can PR manage a good review in Zagat or other guides for Sens? It is an easy one. is an independent review web site and most business travelers write or read the reviews. A restaurant can have a free or paid account and team can write an editorial review for the paid accounts. I remember Sens having a few bad reviews long time ago but they somehow disappeared! Sens has been in business for two years and yet has not one review by a guest in It does have a paid editorial review (which is an advertisement in the form of a review). I am surprised Michelin’s research did not turn this questionable fact up. If you do the math, you can see how questionable: Let’s find the smallest number for guests that have visited Sens in the past two years. Sens can seat more than 200 people. If Sens is only open Monday through Friday for lunch and dinner and we pick 100 for lunch and 50 for dinner (since lunch is bigger in Financial District), we would have 78000 guests visiting. This number does not include the happy hour guests, the special events guests, the holiday season guests and the nightclub guests. We are counting the lowest possible number. How can not even one of 78000 people write a review on I don’t know. I do know, from my restaurant experience, a paid account at gets much support. That should have appeared in Michelin research. is the generation Y online review site and carries many reviews by the younger people. I monitor many restaurants, for professional reasons, and Sens is the only one I have noticed that lowers the number of its reviews on a regular basis. I would say that over the period of two years, Sens has “lost” no less than 200 reviews. It only has 185 reviews left for that 78000 guests. is used by local people and mostly the young. That means the happy hour guests, the nightclub guests and so on. Their reviews appear in and that would mean more than 78000 guests (our arbitary number) could have posted reviews on There is only 185 reviews after two years of service and Sens still gets a mediocre 3.5 stars on a 5 scale! And Yelp is famous for its stars! (Being ironic) That should have appeared in Michelin research. also has reviews for Sens. After two years, Sens has about 30 reviews and most are only one liners. That should have appeared in Michelin research.

How does a restaurant such as Sens get into Michelin while hundreds of potentials are left out? Can Michelin make a mistake? It probably did. But do Citysearch, Yelp and Zagat also make similar mistakes? Citysearch and Yelp are extremely friendly to business clients: Both “edit” suspicious reviews and at least has been publicly criticized on numerous occasions for credibility and integrity. Michelin is not a local American business and safe from the local issues. How can Michelin research restaurants well and publish Sens? We know the other companies are local, insignificant and are not ashamed to get paid to “help” Sens. But what happened with Michelin? If Michelin research did not fail, I wonder what made them print about Sens? The French connection? The other guys get paid to lie for a living and this is a danger for better publications also. But anyway, what kind of research is this? I honestly don’t think Michelin did anything wrong because everyone from the original chef and crew to the local writers and review web sites got manipulated by Sens ownership once. Michelin gave someone the benefit a doubt and should have been careful.

I thought more about how and why of this situation. I couldn’t find an answer except for the obvious but I figured a new entrepneurship scheme based on the Michelin approach: Starting a business that evaluates things from a distance and only for people who are in a distance. Michelin is a great guide but is written by folks with a mindset far from San Francisco. And I realized today, Michelin guide is also written to be READ by folks with a mindset far from San Francisco. They don’t write Michelin guide for the locals. So who is the primary reader for Michelin? I would say the perfect reader for Michelin 2010 San Francisco Restaurant Guide is from out-of-town, has little local knowledge, has little time to explore and has no way of comparing Michelin recommendations against personal experiences. The pretty shiny pages of Michelin impress them into some of the better restaurants in San Francisco and even into surprises such as Sens! I just hope Michelin continues doing a good job in the future with a little extra care when in America.

The Return to All American Standards (Part Five): What is the Future? (Essay #11)


Every country uses sets of standards in its operations at all levels. Many standards have been matched and identified as international. They are shared by various countries for obvious benefits. US is a very large industrial country that has always distanced itself from anything international. America’s foreign policy for decades was “isolationist.” America wanted not to be involved or have anything to do with the rest of the world politically. America has operated as a separate universe since its inception. Too many things are unique to America and known as only American or sometimes All American. Some are deemed important enough to have national importance and one phrase used to identify these is “All American.” All American is a label, a trademark, and an insignia. Many standards in use are made for America only and labeled as All American. The important fact that some national standards are made domestically and not used anywhere else in the world should bring to question who makes the American standards?

Standards make America what it is. We are still not on the Metric system and what is the reason? The best honest answer is competition. Metric system means the factories overseas can make goods for their markets that are as easily exported to America. Metric is not an All American standard. Whatever maybe wrong with our measurement system is okay as long it functions as All American. Does objectivity have anything to do with it? Objective standards are made to benefit many if not everyone. One important point about All American standards is they are not “objective.” All American standards are made to benefit some but not necessarily everyone. Whoever sets these standards runs the country in many ways and can also benefit. The second important fact about American standards is once they are identified as All American they are deemed sacred and not open to question or change by anyone except the important people of America. The elite own America. 89% of America is owned by 5% of the population. Hundreds of millions live in America but only a few million count as people. The remainder are just within its borders and think they are Americans with some rights. The elite minority runs America for its own benefit and the public is allowed to believe whatever they want as long as not interfering. The elite had full control of American standards until Information Revolution when some control was shared with the public and a new lifestyle for Americans was the outcome. Today, the economy has taken a downturn and the public influence is weakening raising the question is the elite taking full control of American lifestyle once again?

It is important, for our purposes, to know how American corporation operates and how the elite benefits. After World War Two the US corporations were getting too large and US military taught them a system of administration. This system puts a few people at the top of a hierarchy and many below. The top people have all the power and privileges. They make the decisions and send their orders to lower levels as commands. This function did not change until the Information Revolution. Personal computers became popular at this time and information flew through Internet. The speed of travel for the information increased and a New Economy was born. Information arrived and left quickly. Decisions were made faster. Big companies had huge hierarchies that were slow. They took a long time to make decisions. However, the smaller companies of little or no hierarchy could respond to the market fast. The big corporations began to lose business. The corporations invented a new concept to fight the competition after Information Revolution: “Empowerment” was a new way of doing business. The grunts, at the lowest levels of the hierarchy, were given power to make small decisions thus responding to the market changes effectively. Empowerment worked well but soon crossed over to outside of corporations. Public began to make decisions on their own, as grunts did, rather than waiting for the corporations to “tell” them how to shop and how to live. This lifestyle lasted over two decades until November 2008 when the market took a downturn. Business slowed down and so did public spending. Elite still own 89% of America and can change their positions to benefit from this change. The chances are high they are. Empowerment helped the elite remain rich. The world needed a system that worked in the New Economy and they invented “empowerment.” Today the economy has taken a turn for the worse. The elite are once again at a loss and this time empowerment is part of the problem. They aim to “fix” and maintain their status. One way may be to target and change the “independent” standards of Information Age that are not benefiting them today.

Corporations used to “tell” the public how to live and do things, until the Information Revolution, when the public found ways of making decisions without being told. Internet provided much information to this end. Restaurants are one industry affected by public decisions directly. Elite own many food establishments. Advertising and media have been “telling” the public where to spend food money for decades and the elite have been doing well. One standard used in influencing public has been the reviewing of the establishments. Travel guide books were the original standard. They were written for everyone and rated only the better business which mostly were owned by the rich. Zagat started a new generation of review guide books written by public reviews. The better restaurants were still the only ones reviewed. Information Age brought online reviewing to life. These reviews were written by the public, without censors, and rated all businesses both good and bad: The elite businesses could get hurt by the reviews. Online reviewing became the “independent” standard for making shopping decisions. The rich managed to control some of the reviews through PR firms but “independence” is still an issue. Most of the mentioned standards are under elite control now and the elite businesses benefit but could want more.

The next group were “independent” reviewers working for newspapers or by themselves. Elite-owned media began attacks in 2009 on very high status reviewers such as Robert Parker and regional food writers in San Francisco and New York. Robert Parker was shortly after lowered in media ratings to being not the foremost influential person in public shopping decisions for wine. The newspapers had to adjust to the concept of “unveiled” restaurant reviews. Anonymity gave too much power to the “independent” reviewers while “unveiled” marked them for pressure and prevention. The “independent” were standards that gained power after the Information Revolution. The high status reviewers also set the reviewing standard for the smaller reviewers. They served well during the past 20 years but no longer respond well to the needs of the elite. The consumer spending is lower and money needs direction to maintain elite income. These “independents” don’t respond well to the political and the economic needs of the elite. A solution could have been to remove them but public have been using them for decades and probably would not “listen” to elite media “telling” them how to shop and live once again. A better solution is by “controlling” the “independents.” Enough pressure helps keep them working as the elite would like and the altering of the standards fulfills this end.

All of the mentioned standards were “fixed” effectively and serve the elite much better today. They are however only a few of what standard has become commonplace during the Information Age era. Many new standards exist that the elite could do without. They could be removed, if possible, controlled or replaced with an All American version. That is what America needs to watch for today. The elite have owned America forever. They have invented and influenced many All American standards for their own benefits. They invented “consumerism” to bring them more profits while making the public dependent on the elite businesses. They invented “customer service” to control the flow of public money into their businesses. They invented “empowerment” to keep the competition away from their formerly monopolizing businesses. They make standards as they wish to control their interests and the most biased standards are marked as All American not subject to question or alternation by the general public. Today the economy has taken a downturn and the elite are on the move to maintain income and status. A most likely solution is the return to the All American standards. Elite did very well before the Information Revolution relying on the All American. The elite won’t hesitate to take everything away from Americans and control all standards once again if possible. Many should agree the elite need to be watched closely and prevented from taking America back to the GOOD OLD DAYS. The rich may not fight openly a public resistance to the return but will seek alternatives to maintain the high income and remain the 5% rulers. They still own 89% of America.

And what do you think? Do you believe the elite exist as a ruling class or share ordinary American belief that rich are just rich and maybe even good people? Do you believe life is so complex it is not worth thinking and figuring out? Do you think we should just be good Americans and go about our business while television will show us how the world turns and what we need to know and do? Do you believe you have any responsibility to watch for developments that may lower or higher the quality of your life or prefer ignorance? What is the future of America to you? You have to do your own thinking. The return to All American standards is not solely about one industry. It is about America, in general, as a period ends and another begins. It is about life, in general, but also what we do about it. American standards have changed for the past two decades in the best interest of the public and changed life in America in many ways. American standards can and may change again at turning points, such as the aftermath of November 2008, and this change may not be in our best interest unless we do our part. What else can the rich do at such turning point to change American life for their own benefit besides meddling with standards?

The Return to All American Standards (Part Four): The Threat of Objective Standards and Elite Response (Essay #10)

America is owned by a small minority who are rich, affluent, powerful and known as the elite. They exist but are not recognized as superior as they are in other countries. The social structure supposedly has no classes and they may be rich but we are all equal. They own most of what makes America and the people who live in this country are subject to what the rich can influence whether the public are aware or not. The high school education in America has been a system for shaping the type of people American elite would like inhabiting this country. The elite send their kids to separate schools and the remainder of the Americans attend different high schools that have enough in common to make one type of person known as an ordinary American. American public schools produce the human beings that live in our society and whoever controls this domain has power over part of American society. Many have historically the battle of what kind of human being this ordinary person is: Religions, science, government, and the humanists. The list goes on. The winners have been the rich. They won the contest on who decides what an average American is. What is he like? How does he live? What does he do? How does he think? And important enough is how does he work? (more…)

The Return to All American Standards (Part Three): The 2009 Unveiling of Food Critics (Essay #9)

One of the major features of the post-Information Revolution culture has been the rise of “independent” reviewing. The rich used to effectively control reviewing and other standards until Information Revolution when a good deal of control was relinquished to remain competitive. Independence relates in a big part to the consumers making independent choices based on information acquired mostly from the web. During this time, the established media reviewers also became more prominent and “independent” but since the economic downturn, the media reviewers are losing power. The economic downturn has forced everyone to change life and business strategies. It is obvious that the business world changes so the elite can make more money and since “empowerment” does not bring more profits, the rich may wish to do without “empowerment” by returning to All American standards. If they are doing this, they have to “fix” the “independent” reviewing systems and return to the old system of “telling” the public how to spend. The process may prove to be harder than thought because the effects of the Information Revolution has been here for over 20 years. On the other hand, tight money makes consumers less powerful and it may be possible to effectively “tell” people how to live again. A few months ago, the big media, which is owned by the elite, began attacks on the integrity and the effectiveness of long-established reviewers such as Robert Parker and regional newspaper reviewers who are traditionally anonymous. American public should be aware the elite media attacks to reduce the power and independence of prominent reviewers increases the influence of the rich, and can set the stage for a return to the All American standards of pre-Information Revolution. (more…)

The Return to All American Standards (Part Two): Paperback and Online Reviews As A Pack Of Lies (Essay #8)

Published reviewing of restaurants has been a tradition for decades. Though travel guidebooks were the original contenders in this area, others have established effectively also. For example, Zagat guide is a polished book of reviews about regions’ restaurants and has been around prior to the Information Revolution when online reviewing become an alternative to the published sources. Online reviews by visitors to the restaurants are very common and are used as reliable sources for shopping decisions. Today, Zagat is still the most popular paper restaurant guide though the integrity of its reviews can be questioned. Also Zagat works very much in favor of the industry by publishing only positive reviews which appear to be “independent.” Online reviews are also manageable by third parties in the interest of the establishments but are not as much “controlled” as sources such as Zagat can be. Those who own many of the big businesses would love to bypass the online systems, with their system of open public comments, and return to any system with ineffective public involvement. Because the Information Revolution effects are neutralizing today, travel review books, Zagat books and online reviews, which represent restaurant reviewing standards for different eras, that are still in use today, are likely to be subject to ” elite control” as we may be returning to a system of only one standard of “controlled” reviewing system. (more…)

The Return to All American Standards (Part One): Objective versus All American Standards (Essay #7)

Standards, as rules and guidelines to measure against, have been around for as long as man has been. Today, worldwide standards are taken seriously and global industries function based on solid and well-thought standards. US is a large industrialiazed country also with many standards. Some American standards match the international and others are domestic only. The critical point about America and its standards is they can lack in objectivity and integrity. Industrialized society may rely on objectivity in setting standards, for its proper functioning, but US has always operated as a separate universe with rules of its own that may eschew common sense.

Everyone has had some exposure to the idea that America takes pride in violating established norms in all areas of human existence. This is part of American culture. Some may say destruction, in the name of progress and freedom, of what humanity has created has been an implicit objective of American culture. That maybe common knowledge but other significant matters are not discussed as openly. Who sets standards in America since international and objective are not always acceptable? Who decides what standard can change or adjust is a matter that eludes most Americans. The subject is never brought up to their attention. The ordinary people count far less in the American political order of life than they think. They may believe whatever they wish about how America operates but the truth remain unchanged: America exists as an elitist society where few people control as much as they can and the setting of American standards is also influenced, if not demanded, by this elite and not based on the objectivity or the integrity of the standard. What is of interest to us, is that for the sake of their best interests, the American elite have shared the control of American standards with the American public since Information Revolution until today but are taking complete control back once again. (more…)

The New San Francisco Food Carts And Big Dollars’ Servants (Essay #6)

I have been reading articles often about new food carts appearing in San Francisco and exciting people and getting into trouble. Illegal food carts are common in some neighborhoods, such as Mission, and the locals patronize them against all official actions. The new food carts are better in standards and quality. The items sold are more sophisticated such as cream brulee, etc. and the vendors resort to advanced techniques such as using twitter to stay in touch with the customers. Nevertheless, they do get caught by the police which has been reluctant to fine but obligated to warn. Food carting is a trend that is not going to leave San Francisco and that makes me curious of the City’s reaction. The popularity of food carts has many advantages but the City will probably continue to push them out of business because the proliferation of carting will hurt the established restaurant business.

I don’t really know the history of food carting but should not be too difficult to imagine. Food is an item that is consumed daily and at some point individuals, in probably all cultures, resorted to selling food in some ways. Naturally, some of this sales efforts became mobile and a small mobile device became one way of merchandising the food. The right or wrongs of food carting are similar to any other food business practice as far as health, handling of the food, customer service and so on. Carts by nature are small and the food items have to be portable. The cost of items can be less because the vendor does not have much cost built into the practice. The cart is a mobile unit. The merchandise is acquired and food carter operates. The idea is simple and works worldwide. Do the big cities need such ways of merchandising? Maybe and maybe not. The new food carts are however here in San Francisco and though not many in numbers do get some healthy attention from the public and the media.

The food carts are small units that can be pushed or otherwise moved by one person. The operators of the recent cards are young and enterprising. They are not the traditional lower-lower class individuals seeking a source of income. The new operators dress as professionals and really enjoy what they do. The food that is sold is not the traditional source of income by the transaction. The food is a source of great fun. The traditional food cart operator has 95% motivation to operate for income and 5% for independence or some other reason. The new operators are 80% in pursuit of fun and fulfillment from the operation and 15% is income and 5% could be rebellion. If anywhere operating food carts could be a form of public rebellion, San Francisco would be on the list. The new food operators enjoy and like what they do too much. This attracts people who join the enthusiasm. That is not the traditional food carting but is traditional restaurant spirit. The food cart operators and the public enjoy the operations not only because of the food deal but also because of the personal exchanges.

The City of San Francisco has been watching. The media reports details by inspectors from Department of Health, officers of SFPD, and even interfering neighbors. The new food carting does get a solemn reaction from the City. A typical license for such vendor costs about $1000 month which is enormous considering most vendors work part-time and only for a few hours. The City excuses are typical. The City does not have as big a public campaign against the traditional food carters, in comparison, maybe because what is sold is ethnic food and has a small minority client base. What could be a big deal about the new food carting? Food carters have to maintain health standards which can be done. They have to register with the city which can be done. They have to operate safely which can be done. They have to report income for taxes which can be done. The requirements can be met. Why such high prices for a license to operate a tiny food cart? What is the big deal about appearance of little food carts?

The cart is a way to transport food of various sorts to many locations. Desserts, soups, sandwiches, sausages, and many more food items can be hauled in a food cart to where most marketable. How would this be of trouble to anyone besides the obvious excuses? The new food carts are small, fashionable, well-priced, and good in quality. They are very mobile. They bring fun to local residents for not much to spend. The operators enjoy what they do and are not really desperate to operate carts as the last resort for income. The practice is by choice for personal fulfillment rather than desperation. That changes the culture and atmosphere of the whole practice. This attracts people. The economic times are difficult now but even if they get better food carts bring joy to people who shop them. Food is not the only thing available. The experience the new food carts bring is what restaurants have been traditionally selling. People visit restaurants not just to eat and be fed. They enjoy the atmosphere, the culture and the experience of visiting a restaurant.

Restaurants are rigid establishments. Once a restaurant has been set up, a great deal cannot be changed. The location and parking is fixed. The hours are fixed. The layout, the tables, the lighting and even the food menu are fixed. Everything has to be figured out and well put together to make a successful restaurant. The violation of these rules can be a big threat to the future of the restaurant. That is probably what is behind the City’s reaction to the new food carts. The restaurants join political lobbies who watch for their interests. In a large city such as San Francisco, there are thousands of such restaurants which brings a great deal of money for the owners, the City and the lobby watching for their interests. Any serious threat will have to be dealt with for a great deal of money is at stake. Food carts maybe small but are very versatile. Restaurants are not. If the new food carting becomes common practice and cheap to operate, the food carts will appear everywhere. The cost of being an entrepreneur in food business goes down and a charming personality guarantees a whole day’s sales everyday. The food carts can converge on any spot where many people are expected. This is very bad for restaurants that are also built on location to benefit such proximities. The more food carts, the more varieties of foods can be around. Many patrons may opt for the entertainment and variety of the food cart rows versus the established restaurants. The restaurants can be hurt dramatically.

Restaurants will still be visited for celebrations, special occasions, events and many other reasons. Casual customers, however, find a very strong alternative in the food carts instead of the restaurant visits. Food carts can follow farmer’s markets and other city events. They can appear in multiple locations each day making the most of the available public. In short, the food carts can do well in a city such as San Francisco and their numbers will climb overnight. Everything about their practices can be very legitimate and they can stay in business strong. The restaurant lobby will take a huge blow for its clients. Restaurants cannot compete unless they put out their own food carts. That is not unusual. Many restaurants offer simple foods of the restaurant’s quality at farmer’s markets, food events and similar venues. Some restaurants have food trucks similar to the old tacomobiles. Food carts are much harder and less profitable to operate than an established restaurant. Farmer’s markets have been getting bigger and appearing on more days citywide. They are becoming true farmer’s markets versus the commercial replica and everyone shops them in some frequency. Food carts can have a similar future. That means a percentage of restaurant sales will be automatically lost daily to the food carts.

A city of San Francisco size can have several thousand food carts that are licensed, reputable and well-liked. They bring nothing to the city coffers and they hurt the established restaurant practice. They attract citizens as flies do and in time will provide solid social hour by just being around. They can bring excellent food to the locals. They can compete with the lowest prices. They can bring tourists around in droves. They add to the city’s food diversity and popularity. Food carts can do a lot for a big city of San Francisco size and its food-minded residents. They are just bad for some established restaurants. The future will tell what becomes of the food carting. They can influence the city life if the City stops stonewalling them. This has always been the San Francisco spirit. The City belongs to the rich.